Sunday, September 26, 2010

Suspected U.S. Missile Attack

 I found this one article on all of the three websites CNN, FOX, and MSNBC. This article is about suspected U.S. drone missile attacks that killed seven people in northwest region of Pakistan. The story was basically breaking down the missile attacks saying that three missiles were fired from a drone at a house in Lwara Mandi village in Datta Khel, killing three suspected militants. Then minutes later, a drone fired two missiles at a vehicle in the same area, killing four suspected militants. The identities of the seven people killed were not known. However, the article states most of this month's strikes have targeted forces led by Jalaluddin Haqqani. Also written is that the U.S. wanted the Pakistani military to invade the village but they would not pursue. This month has had the most missile strikes since the strikes began in 2004.

 This article seems to just be trying to get the information out to the public. It really is just filling people in on what has been happening. The most interesting point I saw was that FOX and MSNBC both used the same exact article written by the Associated Press. They were identical, word for word. The CNN article says that only three people were killed. With that being said though they seemed to only account for three missiles being fired where the other article states that five were fired. So CNN didn't cover the story in as much detail as FOX and MSNBC. I do think that this is a story that should be reported to the public in the U.S. because I believe citizens should know and be up to date with what is happening in the war over seas. Overall, I still found it most interesting that FOX and MSNBC both use the same article, I guess due to the fact that I have never seem this, it baffles me the most.


  1. It's interesting that news sources can have conflicting information on the number of deaths. That seems like something that should be gotten wrong. But yeah. Cool UAV picture.

  2. I totally agree with you in the end. Why in the world would 2 rival agencies use the exact same article? Apparently they didnt believe it was important enough to pursue and due research on. This makes me wonder what else does these agencies due in their own interests.

  3. I think it would be interesting to know how they choose what they write about each week. I do, however, find it quite weird that the two news companies used the same articles. It makes you wonder, how much do these people really care?

  4. Sounds like something out of a movie with the drone haham but terrible none the less. Interesting that the U.S. wanted to invade the village. I wish that they would have gone in to more detail of why. But I guess since two of the sources had the same article, they weren't interested in knowing more.

  5. I agree with Mike's comment, I feel that the number of deaths should be the most important fact that they list. It is strange how they used the same articles even though they're completely different news stations. Do they all get the story from the same one source I wonder?

  6. I have to agree with mike and dan about the number of deaths. I feel like the media should get their facts straight before printing, especially when the story deals with peoples lives.

  7. But couldn't it mean that the source with more killings could have fudged the numbers? I mean 2 of the sources had the exact same story, 2 stories seems more believeable than just 1 story with different numbers. I don't know...just felt like trying out devil's advocate for a change
