Sunday, September 19, 2010

Serial Murder Story

 The serial murder article I found takes place in Tanjung Sepat, Malaysia. It's about two lawyer brothers who were arrested as suspects in a case involving the murder of a cosmetics millionaire, however now they are believed to be serial killers with up the eight victims. The article tends to give more information on the case, but it does give a little background on the brothers. It states that the brothers have had run-ins with legal authorities, and even stating that the brothers were recently disbarred in last November. The article also provides quotes from people who knew the brothers, where they basically say that the brothers were seen locally as pillars of the community and helped those who needed assistance financially and from authorities. A lot of the local people are in shock by their brutality. The brothers were first suspects in the crime of the disappearance of the cosmetics millionaire, her driver, her lawyer, and her bank officer. These four people went missing after going to discuss a land deal with the accused brothers. Later, they found the murder bodies in a river, they had been burned and the ashes thrown in the water. Due to the similarities in this case to other missing persons cases, they are prime suspects in these cases as well, which involves four more people. It seems that this case is being handled by the local police officials in this part of Malaysia.

 I think this is a very interesting case due to how people see these two brothers as prominent members of society. Although, you hear about cases like this too often. Where there are people who everyone sees as good standing citizens yet secretly they are mass murders, rapist, and worse. There was no statistics of serial murders or murderers, but I feel that since the brothers are still in the process of being convicted they didn't get too deep into that. Clearly, from all the signs stated in the article it is a matter of time before the brothers are announced as serial murderers.


  1. This is a pretty interesting story. It reminds me of something I just read about how many serial killers are able to blend in with the rest of society. They have a deep dark secret inside of them that they do no tell anyone. It makes you think, however, because someone that you talk to everyday and see as a great human being, can turn out to be one of the sickest people on the face of the earth. I hope they get to the bottom of it and bring the cosmetic person's family some justice.

  2. Nice choice of picking a completely far off country, what is even more interesting (or rather concerning) is the fact that lawyers were the ones supposedly murdering the woman and the people close to her. Also it was pretty heinous to think of the way these people were murdered. And I'd like to visit there because that picture makes Malaysia look like a beautiful area.

  3. I agree with Brittney. It's interesting to see the same issues we have been discussing within our country,in other countries as well. I think it's sad to see two people who are supposed to have an important role within the criminal justice system give into a life of crime. Great article!

  4. Interesting, I wonder what was the motivation? Was there any money involved?

  5. I find this story kind of ironic. The two men were upstanding members of the community but they were clearly living a double life. I wonder whether they thought, because of their stature, that they would be able to get away with their crimes because no one would ever suspect them. I also wonder what their motivations were. If they were successful and important in the community then why kill?

  6. It is interesting to see that in a community not only to prominent members commit heinous crimes but how quickly people assume guilt. even if these men are found innocent I doubt they will ever be looked at the same in their community.
