Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Media Article,962/

In this article the writers are criticizing the American media for severely biased local sports coverage. They write that local sports media act as though their athletic teams are the ultimate best, when in reality only one team can be the best every year. Basically, local sports media put their teams on a throne, and do nothing but bash and put down the other teams. The writers also say that the local media will up-play their teams victories and down-play the loses. The writers overall concern is that with sports media being this biased, how long until all of the news is this way?

I completely agree with the writers of this article. I mean after all who can honestly say that this isn't true? That local sports media isn't biased. So in that aspect they are 100% correct. On the other hand, I feel as though local media in a way needs to be biased. Sports are a huge part now days in the American life and society. A lot of people are huge sports fanatics and support their teams to the extreme. Also most of these extreme fans are local to their teams, which means they probably see the local sport news. No sports fan wants to turn on the TV and see their local news bashing their team, or even seeing the teams as even, they think of their team as superior. With a society where sports have such an impact, if the local news didn't act as though they support/favor their local teams the news station would more than likely not have as high of ratings or followers. You could even consider sports fans like a family, they have the same passion. News stations want to make people feel as though they are apart of them so they tune in everyday. Favoring the local sport teams is just one way to do that.

No, I do not think this bias will continue into the regular news. I think this is just sports and will stay that way. Sports are about competition anyway, so I see this as just natural. The way to fix this is to just not be as biased in local sports news, but who would wanna watch that and where's the fun in that?


  1. Haha! You do realize that "the onion" is a comedy mag? So, they post funny articles. I have to say that this one is pretty funny!

  2. When I first started reading the article, my first thought was that maybe they have to because it will help their ratings to beef up the local team. But it was funny to me to see that you covered that no sooner than the thought had hit my mind. This was a pretty good article and I agree with you on this whole situation.
