Monday, October 11, 2010

Crazy Marijuana Story

 This story first caught my attention because the title reads, "Father arrested for allegedly smoking marijuana with young daughters." Right away I started reading and chose this article for my blog. Basically in Colorado Jack Duke, a 27 year old father, was arrested for smoking marijuana with his 6 and 7 year old daughters. If that is not odd enough for 6 and 7 year olds to be smoking marijuana, one of the daughters also informed police that her father smokes marijuana in front of her and blows smoke into her face when she doesn't feel well. Both of these two young girls continue to go on and describe in such detail to authorities about smoking marijuana that the authorities then stated they know more about the topic than most adults. Even better, one daughter drew pictures of smoking with her father and commented saying she did not like smoking the seeds. When searching the residence police found a pipe, several bongs, a digital scale, and a small amount of the substance. The father faces charges of marijuana possession, distributing marijuana to a minor, and child abuse. The chilldren have been removed to the custody of the grandparents for now. Of course these kids could be making this all up, because as we all know there has been many cases where children with their creative minds and imaginary thoughts have come up with bizzar stories. None the less I personally thought this was a crazy story to find and share with everyone.


  1. That's pretty strange. I know that there is the occasional parent that smokes marijuana with their child, but at such a young age is very odd and completely inappropriate.

    I'm glad child services is taking this into their hands and making arrangements with the custody of the children.

  2. I think we dicussed your proposal in that you need to do a little more than just show corruption in the film. You either need to explore corruption in more than one film to explore the types of corruption in depth..
